Anger Is A Learnt Behaviour

Anger Is a Leanrt Behaviour - Online Anger Management Courses

Anger is an emotion that most people experience throughout their lives. While some people may be able to manage their anger better than others, it is a learnt behaviour, and one that can be addressed with the help of anger management courses.

Anger is often the result of feeling threatened or frustrated by a situation. It can also be triggered when someone feels powerless or helpless in a situation. When people feel like they have no control over the situation, they may act out through anger, which is why it is important to understand how to properly manage it.

Anger management courses provide individuals with the skills and tools they need to manage their anger in a constructive way. The courses typically focus on teaching people how to recognise their triggers, how to prevent their anger from escalating, and how to effectively communicate their feelings without losing their temper.

The courses also provide an opportunity for individuals to explore their own emotions and to learn how to respond to them in a healthy manner. In addition to providing techniques for managing anger, the courses also help people to develop the skills they need to effectively communicate their feelings and resolve conflicts.

Anne Serry is a psychologist and anger management specialist who has developed an anger management program for individuals and couples. Her program is based on her research, which suggests that anger is a learnt behaviour, and it can be changed through education and self-awareness.

Anne’s program focuses on teaching people how to recognise their triggers and how to prevent their anger from escalating. She also provides techniques for effective communication and conflict resolution. Her program also helps individuals to identify the underlying causes of their anger, such as unresolved trauma or psychological issues.

Anne’s program is designed to be flexible and accessible to all individuals. She offers both one-on-one and group sessions, which can be tailored to meet the individual’s needs and preferences. Her program is also available as an online course, which can be completed at the individual’s own pace.

Anger is a learnt behaviour, and it can be managed with the help of anger management courses and Anne Serry’s program. Through education, self-awareness, and effective communication, individuals can learn how to manage their anger in a constructive way and develop the skills they need to handle difficult situations.