How Empathy Helps With Anger - Online Anger Management Courses
The Cycle of Anger - Man with head in hands
The Consequences of Negative Anger - Online Anger Management Courses
Why Anger Management - Online Anger Management Courses

Why Anger Management?

For those of us who experience anger as an ongoing feature in our lives the search for answers and solutions can be a difficult journey. Whilst anger management is a proven method for working on anger, the term is a bit misleading. The goal is not to eradicate anger from our lives, but to work on eliminating the underlying issues that fuel the negative anger response. You see, when anger is expressed in a healthy way it is no longer a problem.
The Main Myth About Anger - Online Anger Management Courses

The Main Myth About Anger

Let’s start at the beginning and dispel one of the biggest myths about anger. The myth states that anger is wrong, and that to feel angry or express angry feelings will automatically lead to negative outcomes.
Here's Why Anger Can Be So Confusing - Online Anger Management Courses
Here's Why Anger Can Be So Confusing - Online Anger Management Courses

Lesson 10

  Setting Goals In this lesson we will look at the importance of goal setting and how a detailed plan will help you achieve great results. We will educate you on using goals as a strategy as well provide you with a practical Goal…
Here's Why Anger Can Be So Confusing - Online Anger Management Courses

Lesson 9

  In this lesson we discuss empathy and forgiveness, and through case studies and exercises we explore how to practice empathy.  We look at the importance of forgiveness. Forgiveness allows us to release our anger, disappointment,…
Here's Why Anger Can Be So Confusing - Online Anger Management Courses

Lesson 8

  In this lesson we review the different types of communication - passive, assertive and aggressive.  Healthy communication strategies lie in the middle and are referred to as assertive strategies. These cater to both people’s…